I realized today that I haven't posted any of my Valentine's spinning yet. I have been working on it through January.
Here it was at the start, I am doing plying on the fly, so I spin up a certain amount of singles, wind them on the shaft, ply them, and then wind them on the arms.
Here you can see the ball of yarn wrapped around the arms is the plied yarn and the singles wrapped around the shaft.
I am usually not a pink person, but I have been quite addicted to this colorway.
Here is where I am so far. I'm trying to spin the whole 4oz on my Turkish spindle. It is the Large in the sleeker design from Threadsthrutime.
The fiber is Victoria from
Greenwood Fiberworks in Polwarth, which is lovely to spin. I absolutely love their fibers.
That is a beautiful spindle. I have yet to try a turkish, but I am always tempted. =)