Friday, May 20, 2011

Hello World Wide Web!

Hello to all! My name is Wookie and I am taking over my Aunt Jodi's blog today! Here is a picture of me with my Aunt Jodi, just so you can see how adorable I am.

Do you like my lion-like hair cut?

I had one hectic trip getting here as this was my first time flying and then our connecting flight was cancelled and we had to spend the night it the Detroit Airport. In fact, this picture is at 1am, after we had been sitting outside of the Detroit Airport for 3 hours, relaxing and trying to calm Aunt Jodi down cause boy was she cranky when our flight was cancelled. We got home a little more than 24 hours after we had left for the airport the day before. I slept most of the time, but Aunt Jodi was a little sleep deprived and we were both starving since everything at the Detroit airport was closed by the time we got there. Which brings me to a good subject . . . why aren't there better vending machines, maybe even a doggy vending machine? I was okay with my beef jerky bits, but it was underwhelming to say the least.

I am told I was a very good puppy as I didn't whine or bark and I only tried to dig my way out of the carrier a half a dozen times. My home here is very different, but I am adjusting. We went out to the Pet Smart today and I had a blast meeting people who of course thought I was adorable. My social skills with other dogs isn't so good, but then, I use to live with 3 cats so there is a chance I might think I am a cat - - we will keep that our little secret though.

We got some pretty nifty toys and treats at the store, but I'll be back tomorrow to talk about that, Aunt Jodi says we need to go wake up Uncle Jacob so he can go to work!

See you all later! Love Wookie!


  1. Awww!!! sending all our love!!!!
    You two both have the prettiest eyes. Hey Aunt Jodi you think you'd consider a matching hair style? :)

  2. Wookie, you are ADOGABLE!!!!!!!! So sorry you and your new human had a rough trip back, but we can't wait to get to know you better.

  3. OMG- Wookie is so cute! I love his name too, perfect fit! I hope he'll adjust quickly and enjoys being with you!

  4. That is a very cute puppy! Sounds like he's also a model traveler. =)

  5. He is so adorable! Being a major dog lover, I can say I'm in love with him already!
