Saturday, March 3, 2012

Goals, Addictions, and Ideas

Ah, it's a new month already and I missed posting on the 1st!  The weather around here really cannot decide what season it wants to be in so my sinus allergies have been wreaking havoc on my head.

Also I have had some severe Cast-on-itis and that does not make for good blogging if you have half a gazillion projects and only a smidgen being accomplished on each since you working on too many at a time.

On the positive or negative, whichever you'd like to consider it . . . all of this casting on and attempts at writing up some patterns have really got the wheels and cogs in my mind going and I have ideas like crazy . . . hopefully they will go somewhere and not die on a page or in my head.

Any who, onto the goals.  Goals for February only went so-so. . . so lets just move onto how we are adjusting them for March!

I did start some Pattern Writing, but didn't get quite as far as I had hoped.  So new goals for that:
  1. Wrap up cowl and hat pattern and either get it test knitted or have it ready to be test knitted in April.
  2. Finish up John's simple hat pattern and post as free pattern.
  3. Start writing up the pattern for the "Vetter Baby Sweater" and have it ready to test knit it April.

 Project Goals:
  1. Finish up Vera's blanket, Ellie's blanket, Jacobus, and any socks on the needles for Justice.
  2. A new project cannot be started unless one that is on the needles is finished.
  3. Start Justice's blanket and blanket for the new baby.

Health Goals:
  1. Exercise for 20 minutes a day.
  2. Get bike tuned up and take one bike ride a week when weather is nice enough.
  3. Try riding bike to work one day.
  4. Continue eating more veggies and cut down on sugar intake.

On a side note, I recently won a contest and got to pick three of Preita's(blog) Patterns(Rav) for free. Doesn't help my issue with wanting to cast numerous things on right now, but anywho.

 I chose Weave It, Ternion Shawl and Outlaw. As soon as I can cast on another project, I am casting on Weave It, I simply love how it looks. Ternion Shawl I want to take advantage of the design and use multiple colors, and Outlaw was chosen because I am so into hoods right now . . . speaking of hoods, I cannot wait until Preita's Assassin's Creed Cloak comes out!

I love it when people are multi-talented and roll with it, so I also purchased Preita's first e-book Frankenfine: Fine As Hell. She recently said in one of her blog posts that being rejected and failing are two different things and I completely agree, this is kind of my motto for this month.

Here is to March being the kick-off of a more positive attitude for the year of 2012!


  1. I like that thought on rejection vs. failure. Do let me know when that cloak/coat pattern is released... in case Rav-stalking fails me!

  2. I am in the same boat with pattern writing. It takes a lot of time and thought to put a pattern together well. Good luck with the new goals!
