Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don’t be rushing when you’re brushing . . .

Take your time it’s all worthwhile, cause you want your teeth to be there every time you smile, you smile.* Wookie is learning how to brush his teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. My sister said he likes to kind of chew on tooth brushes, so this should be a snap, right? Ha ha ha, he loves the taste of the chicken toothpaste, so much so that he’d prefer to just lick the toothpaste off!

This is his toothbrush, it has two sides, one for little mouths and one for bigger mouths.


Here is his toothpaste.


So, for now, I am just rubbing toothpaste on his teeth with my finger and letting him chew a little on the toothbrush, hopeful we will one day reach a compromise of the toothpaste and the toothbrush work together.

* = Lyrics from a kids movie we watch when we were little, can’t remember exactly what it is called though.


  1. Sissy is a good girl and tolerates whatever, but Gg isn't. That being said, she's almost tolerant of the dental wipes; they look like Wet Ones for dog teeth. I figure they're better than nothing.


  2. That is adorable! You guys make such a good team :)

  3. I can't imagine even trying to brush my cat's teeth. I hope Wookie learns brushing etiquette soon!

  4. Every year I feel guilty when I have to tell the vet, no I don't brush their teeth! Your a good dog mom!
