Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pinning and Cutting

No pictures today, I've been pinning and cutting pieces today for the potholders. With smaller projects like this I prefer to do it this way, cutting out just one or two pieces at a time, pinning my template to the fabric. I got all the pieces cut out today and will hopefully be back tomorrow with a sewn version of the pair.

I am enjoying the colors still, which is unusual, as they are not colors I would normally like. I am thinking I may have to go fabric shopping though for a nice backing color.

I have also been working on my reviews today. Doing write ups, reading over each book carefully, so I hope to record at least one tomorrow. We shall see.


  1. Can't wait to see the potholders and to read the reviews. I've spent more time this weekend looking at patterns and such than I have actually knitting.

  2. I love it when colors I don't usually like just magically start to go together. And, since I've now seen the final product, I can also say that I like them, too!

  3. Potholders are such nice gifts, and you make such lovely ones!
