Monday, April 23, 2012

3KCBWDAY1 - Color Lovers

This week is the 3rd annual Knit and Crochet Blog Week. Today's topic is:

Color is one of our greatest expressions of ourselves when we choose to knit or crochet, so how do you choose what colors you buy and crochet or knit with. Have a look through your stash and see if there is a predominance of one color. Do the same with your finished projects - do they match? Do you love a rainbow of bright hues, or more subdued tones. How much attention do you pay to the original color that a garment is knit in when you see a pattern? Tell readers about your love or confusion over color.

I love color and a wide variety of it. In fact, I took my Pi Shawl to work because I knew the office would be cold as our heat takes forever to kick on and it was cold enough to snow throughout the day! I got repeated comments and how "bright" it is! :) My color choices are usually based on who I am knitting for as I have some very picky people in my family! For myself it depends on my mood at the time . . . I am likely to pick anything . . . except a pink, but I find it slowly growing on me.

With pooling, I do not mind if things do not match. Although when giving gifts I make a big effort as I know others might dislike it.

Often, the color of a pattern can say a lot, but mostly because some shapes look better in certain colors. One of the wonders of Ravelry and looking at other people's color choices.

I do wish that "baby" yarn, especially acrylics came in a wider variety of colors. It's a little sexist to have to knit pastel pink or pastel blue and the additional color choices of pastel purple, pastel yellow, and pastel green really don't help much. It needs to be more exciting!


  1. I love color! (But then you knew that...) It's funny; I never used to be a big color person, and my wardrobe still hovers in the dark/subdued color range, but my fiber is getting ever more interesting. Bright colors just feel so happy. Before you know it, I'll be wearing yellow!

  2. I agree... Baby color choices in general are lacking.

  3. Oh shoot. I'm not going to be able to do this again this year. Boo. But I loved your post!
