Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The inevitable in Buffalo

We lived 3 years in Buffalo before it finally happened. We went out to go grocery shopping and someone had broken into our car! The driver's side window was bashed in. Nothing was stolen, because we don't leave anything of value in our vehicles. Still, greatly disappointing as we now have to pay to get the window repaired. Highly annoying!


  1. I'm *SO* sorry! I'm just losing the grip of fear from our car-vandals earlier this summer, but even the Knight locks ALL doors now, which is quite a statement.

    I just don't understand. It's never entered my mind to take something that isn't mine, much less "break and enter", except when I've been locked out of my own house/car!

  2. Oh no, that really sucks. I'm glad they didn't get anything, but that is small consolation. The hassle of getting your window fixed and that feeling of violation really sucks. {{{hugs}}}

  3. So sorry! Glad to hear that nothing was missing but sorry you have to pay to get the window repaired. I have heard of people leaving their car unlocked just so people won't break their windows if they want to take a look around. So sad that people are that heartless and have no moral compass.

  4. Ugh. Not a fun way to finish up the errands. It's sad that it really is inevitable in some places. Hope it's not too expensive to fix!
